Write as an algerbraic expression

10 times higher than the chair's height h, plus 3 inches.

Also$3 more tha half of whaat Jason makes d.

I will be happy to critique your thinking.

I am thinking that 10 x h+3


To write an algebraic expression for "10 times higher than the chair's height h, plus 3 inches," we can start by writing the chair's height h as a variable. Let's use the variable c for the chair's height.

The expression for "10 times higher than the chair's height h" would be 10c. To add 3 inches to this, we can write + 3. Therefore, the algebraic expression for this statement would be:

10c + 3

Now, to write the expression for "3 more than half of what Jason makes d," we can start by writing the amount Jason makes as a variable. Let's use the variable j for the amount Jason makes.

The expression for "half of what Jason makes" would be 0.5j. To add 3 more to this expression, we write + 3. Therefore, the algebraic expression for this statement is:

0.5j + 3

Keep in mind that you can replace the variables c and j with their given values or any other appropriate variables if you have specific values for the chair's height and Jason's earnings.