elimination method

1> 7x+15y=32

multipy the second equation by 5, then add the equations.

can u help me with my homework

well i did as you said but my answer comes in fraction....can you help me say where i am wrong?

i did it in this way



now i know i am wrong. can someone please correct me plz....

You should be ADDING the 2 equations...so it should be 12x = 132, instead of 2x = 132

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The rule below shows how to find the distance traveled of an object thrown downward with initial

The elimination method is a technique used in solving a system of linear equations. In this method, we aim to eliminate one variable by manipulating the equations given.

To solve the system of equations:

1. First, multiply the second equation by 7 to make the coefficients of x the same in both equations:
7(x - 3y) = 7(20)
7x - 21y = 140

2. Now, we have the system of equations:
7x + 15y = 32
7x - 21y = 140

3. To eliminate x, subtract the second equation from the first equation:
(7x + 15y) - (7x - 21y) = 32 - 140

This simplifies to:
36y = -108

4. Divide both sides of the equation by 36 to solve for y:
y = -108 / 36
y = -3

5. Substitute the value of y back into one of the original equations to solve for x. Let's use the second equation:
x - 3(-3) = 20
x + 9 = 20
x = 20 - 9
x = 11

Therefore, the solution to the system of equations is x = 11 and y = -3.