How do you spell dialog(ue) when using it in this context: "Much of the dialog(ue) used in the movie was identical to that of the book"?

Or can you use either variation?

Thank you in advance

We generally use "dialogue."

Both of those spellings are correct.


When using it in this context, both spellings are correct: "dialog" and "dialogue". The difference in spelling between "dialog" and "dialogue" is primarily based on regional preferences.

In American English, the preferred spelling is "dialog", while in British English, "dialogue" is commonly used. However, it's worth noting that both spellings are generally accepted and understood in both variants of English.

If you are following a specific style guide or writing for a particular audience (such as an academic or publishing requirement), it would be best to consult the preferred spelling guidelines for that specific context. Otherwise, you have the option to choose either "dialog" or "dialogue" based on your personal preference or the variant of English you are most comfortable with.