I am reading the book Frankenstein. I am in need of finding out what rhetorical device this quote is "you can blast my other passions, but revenge remains-revenge, henceforth dearer than light or food!" And the reason why. If you can help thank you!

Think in terms of comparison...

Look at this site regarding similes and methaphors.



Certainly! The quote you provided from Frankenstein includes a rhetorical device called antithesis. Antithesis is a figure of speech that involves contrasting ideas or words within a sentence or a paragraph. In this case, the contrasting ideas are "blast my other passions" and "revenge remains," as well as "dearer than light or food."

To find this rhetorical device, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the contrasting elements: Within the quote, we have "blast my other passions" versus "revenge remains" and "dearer than light or food." These opposing ideas create the contrast necessary for antithesis.

2. Analyze the purpose: Antithesis is often used to create emphasis or highlight a stark contrast between two ideas. In this case, the purpose is to emphasize the enduring power and importance of revenge for the character.

By analyzing the contrasting elements and recognizing their purpose, you can determine that the quote contains the rhetorical device of antithesis.