tony ordered 3 pizzas for a party. each person at the party ate 1/6 of a pizza. there was no pizza left over. how many people were at the party?

Let N be the number of people at the party and P be the number of pizzas ordered.

P = 3
N/6 = P
N = 6P = 18

Check: 18 people eating 1/6 pizza each is 3 pizzas.

To find out how many people were at the party, we need to divide the total amount of pizza consumed by the amount each person ate.

Since Tony ordered 3 pizzas, the total amount of pizza available at the party is 3 pizzas.

Each person ate 1/6 of a pizza. To determine the number of people who ate 1/6 of a pizza, we divide the total amount of pizza available by the amount each person ate.

3 pizzas / (1/6 of a pizza) = 3 * (6/1) = 18

Therefore, there were 18 people at the party.