Carl drove from his house to work at an average speed of 35 miles per hour. The drive took him 25 minutes. If the drive home took him 30 minutes and he used the same route in reverse, what was his average speed going home?

His return speed was 5/6 times his speed going there, since he took 6/5 as long coming back.

(5/6) x 35 = 29.17 mph

To find the average speed going home, we need to know the total distance Carl traveled and the total time it took him. Let's find the total distance first.

We know that Carl traveled from his house to work at an average speed of 35 miles per hour. The time it took him to reach work was 25 minutes. To find the distance, we'll convert the time to hours.

Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, 25 minutes is equal to 25/60 = 0.41667 hours.

To calculate the distance, we use the formula: distance = speed * time.
distance = 35 miles/hour * 0.41667 hours = 14.58333 miles (rounded to two decimal places).

So, Carl traveled approximately 14.58 miles from his house to work.

Since Carl used the same route in reverse to drive home, the distance will be the same, which is 14.58 miles.

Now let's find the average speed going home. We know that the time it took Carl to drive home is 30 minutes. Let's convert this to hours.

30 minutes is equal to 30/60 = 0.5 hours.

To find the average speed, we use the formula: average speed = total distance / total time.
average speed = 14.58 miles / 0.5 hours = 29.16 miles per hour (rounded to two decimal places).

Therefore, Carl's average speed going home was approximately 29.16 miles per hour.

To find Carl's average speed going home, we need to find the total distance he traveled and divide it by the total time it took him.

First, let's find the total distance. We know that the drive to work took him 25 minutes, and his average speed was 35 miles per hour. Since time = distance / speed, we can rearrange this formula to find the distance: distance = speed * time.

Distance to work = 35 mph * (25 minutes / 60 minutes)
= 35 mph * (5/12) hour
= 14.5833 miles

Now, let's find the distance for the drive home. We know that the drive home took him 30 minutes, and he used the same route in reverse. Therefore, the distance going home is the same as the distance to work.

Distance home = 14.5833 miles

Next, let's find the total time it took for the drive home. We know that the drive home took him 30 minutes.

Total time = 30 minutes

Now, we can calculate his average speed going home by dividing the total distance (14.5833 miles) by the total time (30 minutes).

Average speed going home = Distance home / Total time
= 14.5833 miles / 30 minutes
= 0.4861 miles per minute

So, Carl's average speed going home is approximately 0.4861 miles per minute.