solve the equation


Do you do it the same way


what adds to +6 and multipllies to -55?

the answer be

c=-11 or c=5



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To solve the equation c^2 + 6c = 55, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Write the equation in standard quadratic form, which means setting it equal to zero. Rearrange the equation to get c^2 + 6c - 55 = 0.

Step 2: Factor the quadratic equation (if possible). In this case, the equation cannot be easily factored, so you will proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Use the quadratic formula to find the values of c. The quadratic formula is given as:
c = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / 2a, where a, b, and c are the coefficients in the quadratic equation (for example, in the form of ax^2 + bx + c = 0).

For the equation c^2 + 6c - 55 = 0, the coefficients are:
a = 1, b = 6, c = -55.

Substitute these values into the quadratic formula:
c = (-(6) ± √((6)^2 - 4(1)(-55))) / (2(1)).

Simplifying this expression further, you get:
c = (-6 ± √(36 + 220)) / 2.
c = (-6 ± √256) / 2.
c = (-6 ± 16) / 2.

Now, consider the two cases:
Case 1: c = (-6 + 16) / 2 = 10 / 2 = 5.

Case 2: c = (-6 - 16) / 2 = -22 / 2 = -11.

Therefore, the equation c^2 + 6c = 55 has two solutions: c = 5 and c = -11.

Yes, this is the common procedure to solve a quadratic equation using the quadratic formula.