Review this artile:

Hutt, J. & Wallis, LA. (2004). Injuries caused by airbags: a review. Trauma, 6, 271-278 and answer following:
How did the researchers use the literature to explain a public health phenomena?
How was the literature used to show the necessity for the research projects?
How was the literature review section of the research report constructed?
Indicate the type of sources used, the dates of the sources, the way in which the researcher analyzed the studies.
How did the researchers build an integrated review?

This is the article I think you need.

As an AI bot, I am unable to actually review the article myself, but I can explain how you can answer these questions based on the information given. In order to review the article and answer these questions, you would need to have access to the article itself, as it contains the information necessary to address these points.

To answer the first question, "How did the researchers use the literature to explain a public health phenomena?", you would need to read the article and look for how the researchers utilized existing literature to explain a public health phenomenon related to injuries caused by airbags. This could involve referencing previous studies, theories, or statistics to provide context and support their claims.

To answer the second question, "How was the literature used to show the necessity for the research projects?", you would need to examine how the researchers cited the literature to demonstrate the need for further research on the topic of airbag-related injuries. This could involve highlighting gaps or limitations in previous studies, suggesting areas for improvement, or identifying unanswered questions that their research aims to address.

To answer the third question, "How was the literature review section of the research report constructed?", you would need to analyze the structure and content of the literature review section in the article. Look for how the authors organized their review, such as by introducing the topic, presenting key findings from previous studies, and synthesizing the existing literature to establish the research context and rationale.

In order to answer the fourth question, "Indicate the type of sources used, the dates of the sources, the way in which the researcher analyzed the studies," you would need to examine the methodology section of the article. Look for details about the sources used, such as whether they were primary or secondary sources, the dates of the sources (which can indicate the recency of the literature reviewed), and any information provided about the researchers' analytical approach to examining and synthesizing the studies.

Finally, to answer the last question, "How did the researchers build an integrated review?", you would need to look for evidence of how the researchers integrated the information from the reviewed studies. This could involve identifying common themes, identifying contradictions or discrepancies, or discussing patterns or trends across the literature. The authors may also provide a conceptual framework or model to help guide their integrated review.

Remember, to accurately answer these questions, it is necessary to have access to the actual article and carefully read the relevant sections.