I know what these tactics are but I need to know where can I find examples about these political tactics: I have no personal experience of these

Attack and blame tactic versus make everyone a winner,
Be irreplaceable or occupy a central position tactic,
Reduce uncertainty or use objective information tactic
Building coalitions and alliance tactic

You should be able to find several examples in these sites.


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it was not for elections This was for managers in business to be more powerful. i was not to clear about that my mistake

To find examples of these political tactics, you can utilize a variety of resources. Here are a few methods you can follow:

1. Research academic articles: Political science journals often discuss various tactics employed in politics and provide examples. Using databases like JSTOR, Google Scholar, or your local university library's resources, you can search for articles related to the specific tactics you mentioned.

2. Analyze case studies: Many political science textbooks and publications contain case studies that illustrate different political tactics. Look for books or articles that examine specific political scenarios or historical events to gain insight into how these tactics are employed.

3. Study current affairs: Keep an eye on news sources that cover politics, including both local and international news outlets. Observing ongoing political events and the strategies employed by politicians can provide real-world examples of the tactics you are interested in.

4. Explore historical examples: Researching historical political figures or pivotal moments in politics can give you an understanding of how various tactics have been used in the past. History books, biographies, and documentaries can be valuable resources for finding examples.

5. Engage in political forums and discussion groups: Online platforms and forums dedicated to politics often involve discussions about various political tactics. Participating in these communities can give you insights and real-world examples shared by individuals with personal experiences or observations.

Remember to critically evaluate the sources you use and consider multiple perspectives to gain a well-rounded understanding of the tactics you are exploring.