What was the percent increase in the population in South America from 1900 to 2000?

1900-38,000,000, 1950-111,000,000,

(515,000,000 - 38,000,000)/38,000,000, converted to %

You do not need the 1950 population to compute it.

515,000,000 - 38,000,000 = 477,000,000

477,000,000 / 38,000,000 = 12.5526 = 1255.26%

To calculate the percent increase in population in South America from 1900 to 2000, follow these steps:

1. Start by finding the absolute increase in population from 1900 to 2000. This is done by subtracting the population in 1900 from the population in 2000.
Population increase = Population in 2000 - Population in 1900
Population increase = 515,000,000 - 38,000,000

2. Calculate the percentage increase by dividing the absolute population increase by the population in 1900 and then multiplying by 100.
Percentage increase = (Population increase / Population in 1900) * 100

3. Substitute the values into the equation to find the answer.
Percentage increase = (477,000,000 / 38,000,000) * 100

4. Perform the calculation to get the final result.
Percentage increase = 1,255.26%

Therefore, the percentage increase in the population of South America from 1900 to 2000 is approximately 1,255.26%.