the equation is 4(2x) to the power of negative 2 times (x to the power of 2 y)

im confused can someone explain how to do it?


You do not have an equation. There is no equal sign (=). Also you have two unknowns (x and y). With this data, you cannot find the numerical value of either x or y.

Is there additional data that you have not included?

Please repost with all the information.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To solve the equation 4(2x)^-2 * (x^2y), we need to follow a sequence of steps. Let's break it down:

Step 1: Simplify the expression within the parentheses.
- The expression within the parentheses is 2x. If we raise it to the power of -2, it means we take the reciprocal of its square, which is 1/(2x)^2 or 1/(4x^2).

Step 2: Combine similar terms.
- We multiply 4 with the result from step 1. So we have 4 * 1/(4x^2), which simplifies to 1/x^2.

Step 3: Multiply by the remaining term.
- Finally, we multiply the result from step 2 (1/x^2) with the remaining term (x^2y).
- To multiply two terms with the same base (x), we add their exponents: x^2 * x^(-2) = x^(2 + (-2)), which is x^0 = 1.
- Therefore, the final result is 1 * y, which simplifies to just y.

So, the solution to the equation 4(2x)^-2 * (x^2y) is y.