Write description of a woman in "Housewife" by Helen Porter. Use words or phrases from the poem.


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In Helen Porter's poem "Housewife," the woman is described using a variety of words and phrases that paint a vivid picture of her character and role. She is portrayed with both tender and introspective language. Here is a description of the woman based on the words and phrases from the poem:

The woman in "Housewife" is depicted as a "master of small talk" and "a diligent spinner of rumors." These phrases suggest that she possesses excellent social skills and knows how to engage in casual conversations, always aware of the latest gossip circulating in her community.

She is also referred to as "the mistress of order," indicating that she takes great care in maintaining a well-organized household. This suggests she is diligent, detail-oriented, and displays a strong sense of responsibility in managing her domestic realm.

Furthermore, she is described as "luminary for breakfast" and "sunbeam for tea." These metaphors indicate that she radiates warmth and brightness, especially during the morning hours when the family gathers for breakfast and in the peaceful setting of tea time. These phrases emphasize her role in providing comfort and creating a nurturing atmosphere in the home.

The poem also mentions that she is a "harnessed power of the dark" and possesses "horned strength." These descriptions imply that she has an inner strength and resilience, capable of handling challenges and enduring difficult situations with her determination. It suggests that she can confidently navigate through the darker aspects of life.

Overall, in "Housewife," the woman is portrayed as a socially adept, organized, nurturing figure who possesses both strength and grace in fulfilling her domestic role. The combination of these phrases and metaphors offers a multifaceted and captivating picture of her character.