I need help finding the answers. If u know anything about it, please feel free to help.

Why do westerners have issues with veiling?
Why do many muslim women voulentarily practice veiling?
Does the practice of Hijab only apply to women?
How do people who practice veiling view the clothing styles of western peoples?

please i really don't understand history!!!!!!!

For many Westerners, veiling hides the individuality of women. It doesn't seem fair to completely cover women when men wear what they want and often don't cover their heads at all. Several years ago, I saw a man, woman, and a young child together in a grocery store. The woman, probably Saudi Arabian, was dressed in a beautiful and expensive robe that completely covered her. Her face was completely covered by a veil, except for a slit so that she could see. The man and child were dressed in Western-style clothes. I believe he was a graduate student at a local university and that she was his wife. A friend who is familiar with the Middle East told me that the woman was probably illiterate!

Many Muslim women practice veiling because it's their custom. They believe that the veil shows their modesty in public among men who are not related. They would also be looked down upon and scorned if they weren't veiled.

Yes, Hijab applies only to women, although the men are expected to dress modestly.

Many Muslim women admire Western clothing and wear the latest fashions in their own homes or when only with close women relatives and friends.

Your such a great help thank you so much!!!!!

You're very welcome.

Clothing styles everywhere depend a lot on local custom. Although my 20-something-year-old granddaughters feel comfortable wearing tight jeans and short, tight skirts and tops, I would be embarrassed to be seen in those outfits. You rarely see anyone over 30 exposing their navels. <g>

To find answers to your questions, you can start by conducting research online or by studying relevant literature on the topics. Additionally, analyzing different perspectives and engaging in open discussions with individuals from various backgrounds can help you develop a well-rounded understanding. Let's explore each question:

1. Why do westerners have issues with veiling?
The issue of veiling in Western societies can be attributed to a variety of factors, such as cultural differences, conflicting values, and preconceived notions. Westerners may perceive veiling as a symbol of oppression or lack of freedom, contrasting with their own cultural norms of individualism and gender equality. Media portrayal and limited exposure to different cultural practices may also contribute to misunderstandings and biases.

To understand this further, you can read articles, research papers, or books that explore the topic from various perspectives, including both Western and non-Western viewpoints. Additionally, engaging in conversations with individuals who have different opinions can provide valuable insights.

2. Why do many Muslim women voluntarily practice veiling?
Muslim women who voluntarily practice veiling do so for diverse reasons, which can vary depending on personal, cultural, religious, and sociopolitical factors. For some, veiling is seen as an expression of piety and a means to demonstrate their devotion to Islam. Others may view it as a way to adhere to cultural traditions or to find empowerment and protection in preserving their modesty.

To gain more insight into the reasons behind voluntary veiling, reading personal accounts and narratives of Muslim women who wear the veil can be quite informative. Books, documentaries, or online platforms that share individual stories and experiences might provide a deeper understanding of the diverse reasons behind this practice.

3. Does the practice of hijab only apply to women?
The practice of hijab, which generally refers to modest dress and behavior in accordance with Islamic principles, applies to both men and women. However, the specific obligations and requirements for men differ from those for women. While women are often expected to cover their hair and wear loose-fitting clothing, men are generally encouraged to dress modestly and behave with dignity, but without specific requirements regarding their hair or body covering.

To explore this topic further, you can consult Islamic literature, interpretations of religious texts, or seek out perspectives from scholars or individuals well-versed in Islamic teachings.

4. How do people who practice veiling view the clothing styles of Western peoples?
Views on Western clothing styles among those who practice veiling can vary greatly. It is essential to note that perspectives within any group can differ, and generalizations might not accurately represent individual opinions.

Some individuals who practice veiling may view Western clothing styles as immodest or contrary to their cultural or religious values, while others might see them as personal choices and respect the diversity of attire. It's important to engage in open conversations with individuals who practice veiling to understand their specific views and avoid generalizations.

You can gain insights by reading personal accounts, scholarly articles, or engaging with individuals who can offer their perspectives and experiences on this matter. This will help you form a more informed understanding of how individuals who practice veiling perceive Western clothing styles.