I have to do a project on how smoking effects the environment. I need three sources. I have two already. I need background information, causes of issue, effects, and possible solutions. Help would greatly be appreciated.

P.s. project is due Dec. 19, 2008

Try these sites.


For your project on how smoking affects the environment, I can help you find another source and provide you with some guidance on how to gather the necessary information. Here's an approach you can follow:

1. Use Search Engines: Start by searching on popular search engines like Google or Bing using relevant keywords such as "effects of smoking on the environment" or "smoking and environmental pollution." This will provide you with numerous sources, including articles, studies, and reports addressing the topic.

2. Reputable Websites: Look for reputable websites that provide reliable information on the subject. For environmental issues, government organizations, non-profit organizations, and academic institutions are credible sources. Some reputable websites to consider include:

- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Visit the EPA website (www.epa.gov) and search for information on smoking and its impact on the environment. Here, you can find background information, causes, effects, and possible solutions related to your project.

- World Health Organization (WHO): The WHO website (www.who.int) also provides valuable information on the environmental impact of smoking. Search for their reports or publications related to smoking and the environment.

3. Research Articles: Conduct a search using academic databases like Google Scholar or JSTOR to find research articles on smoking's environmental effects. Academic papers provide in-depth analysis, data, and evidence to support your project. Look for articles published in scientific journals or environmental health journals.

4. Reference Books or Textbooks: Check if your school library or local library has books or textbooks on environmental pollution or smoking-related issues. These often provide comprehensive background information and can help you understand the causes, effects, and possible solutions to smoking's impact on the environment.

Remember to take notes and record the necessary information, including the title, author, year of publication, and any relevant quotes or statistics that you might use for your project.

Please note that the information provided here may not be up-to-date, as your project was due in 2008. However, the sources and approach outlined above can still assist you in finding information on smoking and its impact on the environment.