if 2x represents an even integer, then the next consexutive even integer would be represented by

1 2x+1
2 2x+2
3 3x
4 x+2

is the answer 2x+2 ....plz help me i am not sure

yes 2x+2 is correct.

even integers are 2 apart, so you get the next one by adding 2


Well, let's look at the options:

1) 2x + 1: This represents an odd integer, not an even integer.

2) 2x + 2: This is the correct answer! Adding 2 to an even integer will give you the next consecutive even integer.

3) 3x: This represents a multiple of 3, not an even integer.

4) x + 2: This represents an odd integer because an odd number plus 2 will always be odd.

So, the correct answer is 2x + 2. Congrats on getting it right! Keep up the math humor!

The correct answer is 2x + 2.

When 2x represents an even integer, adding 2 to it will give you the next consecutive even integer. By simplifying 2x + 2, you get the desired result.

To find the next consecutive even integer when 2x represents an even integer, you need to add 2 to the given expression.

Starting with 2x, the expression for the next consecutive even integer would be 2x + 2.

So, the correct answer is 2x + 2.