what werer some achievements of post civil war reconstruction

sorry but none of those websites really give any achievements

I found this information on the page that Sra posted.

"The central step taken was the passage of the 13-15 amendments which abolished slavery and guaranted the civil rights, including the right to vote, of the freed slaves and guaranteed the equal protection of the law. (The Emancipation proclamation was an executive order and open to legal chgalenge.) The slaves were freed, Reconstruction brought great hope for change in the South. There were some considerable gains made. Schools were established and Blacks elected to public office. The Freedman's Bureau was established. After President Hayes (1877-81) withdrew Federal troops from the South, the white majority began to take away the civil rights that the freed slaves had briefly experienced."


During the post-Civil War Reconstruction era in the United States (1865-1877), there were several notable achievements that aimed to rebuild and reshape the country after the devastating effects of the Civil War. Here are some key achievements of this period:

1. Ratification of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments: The Thirteenth Amendment formally abolished slavery, the Fourteenth Amendment granted equal protection under the law to all citizens, and the Fifteenth Amendment prohibited racial discrimination in voting rights.

To learn more about the achievements of Reconstruction, you can follow these steps:

1. Research online: Look for reputable sources like history textbooks, academic articles, or reliable websites that provide information about the achievements of post-Civil War Reconstruction. Historical archives such as the National Archives or Library of Congress website can be helpful.

2. Visit local or digital libraries: Accessing books, encyclopedias, or journals about the Reconstruction era can provide detailed accounts and analysis of the achievements made during that period.

3. Consult scholarly works: Scholars specializing in American history, particularly the Reconstruction era, have extensively researched and written about its achievements. Look for books or articles authored by renowned historians who have expertise in this particular field.

4. Engage with history museums or exhibits: Museums dedicated to American history often have exhibits showcasing the events and achievements of Reconstruction. Visiting these museums or exploring virtual exhibitions can offer a visually immersive learning experience.

Remember, it's essential to cross-reference multiple sources and consider different perspectives in order to get a comprehensive understanding of the topic.