the different strategies and techniques used in writing a good-news letter and a

bad-news letter.
· Provide an example of bad news you might have to deliver in a letter.
· Explain which bad-news technique you would choose for this type of letter.

That line is for School Subject, not simply School.

Bad news letter = "you're being laid off."

Technique? What choices have you been given?

I don't know what you're supposed to have learned about bad-news techniques -- but this site may help you.

When writing a good-news letter or a bad-news letter, it is important to use specific strategies and techniques to effectively convey your message. Here are some strategies for each type of letter:

1. Good-News Letter:
- Start with a positive opening: Begin the letter by sharing the good news in a friendly and enthusiastic manner.
- Be clear and concise: Provide all necessary details about the good news, including any relevant dates or actions needed.
- Use a professional and positive tone: Maintain a positive and professional tone throughout the letter, expressing enthusiasm and appreciation for the recipient.

2. Bad-News Letter:
- Start with a neutral opening: Begin the letter with a neutral statement or transition to prepare the recipient for the forthcoming bad news.
- Be direct and empathetic: Deliver the bad news concisely and clearly, expressing understanding and empathy for any disappointment or inconvenience caused.
- Offer alternatives or solutions: Provide any available alternatives or solutions to help mitigate the impact of the bad news or suggest future possibilities.

Example of a bad news you might have to deliver in a letter:

"Dear [Recipient],

We regret to inform you that your application for the job position at our company has not been successful. We received numerous applications from highly qualified candidates, and while we recognize your skills and experience, we have chosen another candidate who closely matched our requirements.

We appreciate the effort and time you put into your application, and we encourage you to apply for future job openings within our organization. Your qualifications make you a strong candidate for future opportunities.

Thank you for your interest in our company, and we wish you the best in your career endeavors.

[Your Name]"

Explanation of the bad-news technique chosen for this letter:

In this bad-news letter example, the chosen technique is a direct approach combined with empathy. The opening acknowledges the disappointment and provides a concise and clear explanation of the decision. It also expresses a sense of understanding by recognizing the candidate's qualifications and encouraging future applications. By being direct and empathetic, the letter aims to maintain a respectful and professional tone while delivering the unfortunate news.