How do I find a unit rate?

what is square root of 78

OMG math is so hard I need help...but i already got help

The square root of 78 is roughly 8.83

tnmz duzgfc hdzwmejnu yajzi clgzjkx wnubl ovap

To find a unit rate, you need to divide the quantity of one type of thing by the quantity of another type of thing. The unit rate represents the amount of one thing per one unit of the other thing. Here's a step-by-step guide to finding a unit rate:

1. Identify the two quantities involved: The unit rate compares two different types of quantities. For example, let's say you want to find the unit rate of miles per hour, where miles represents the distance traveled, and hours represents the time taken.

2. Determine the value of each quantity: Measure or determine the value of each quantity involved. For example, if you drove 400 miles in 8 hours, the value for miles is 400, and the value for hours is 8.

3. Divide the quantity: Take the value of the first quantity and divide it by the value of the second quantity. In our example, divide 400 miles by 8 hours: 400 / 8 = 50.

4. Write it as a ratio: Express the unit rate as a ratio, with the first quantity as the numerator and the second quantity as the denominator. In our example, the unit rate is 50 miles per hour.

Remember that the unit rate describes the relationship between the two quantities, indicating how much of one thing you get for one unit of the other thing.