the minute hand of a clock is 6 inches long. how far does the tip of the minute hand move in 15 minutes?

what is the circumference of a circle with radius of 6 in?
It is 12 pi

What fraction of a circle does the minute hand move in 15 minutes?
It is 90 degrees

So what do I do with those numbers

Yes. The circumference of the circle is 12 times pi.

C = 12 * 3.14 = 37.68 inches

15/60 = 1/4
Remember that 15 minutes is one-quarter of an hour.

In 15 minutes, the minute hand moves around 1/4 of the circumference.

Circumference equals

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To calculate how far the tip of the minute hand moves in 15 minutes, we can use the circumference formula. Since the minute hand is equivalent to the radius of the circle, which is 6 inches, the circumference of the circle is 2πr = 2π(6 inches) = 12π inches.

To find what fraction of the circle the minute hand moves in 15 minutes, we need to determine the angle it covers. Since a circle has 360 degrees, we can calculate the fraction as follows:

Fraction = Angle Covered / Total Angle

The minute hand moves 90 degrees in 15 minutes. So, the fraction it covers would be:

Fraction = 90 degrees / 360 degrees = 1/4 or 0.25

You can use these numbers to answer related questions or solve problems that involve the distance or position of the minute hand on a clock.