Where can I find quotes by Sir Thomas More? I've only come across two:

"Lawyers -- a profession it is to disguise matters."

"For this is one of the ancientest laws among them; that no man shall be blamed for reasoning in the maintenance of his own religion."
Are there any others? I'm trying to find a better one.




Thank you! Those sites were very helpful.

You're welcome. It's amazing what a simple Google search can find. :-)

To find more quotes by Sir Thomas More, there are a few steps you can take:

1. Books and Collections: Look for books or collections of Sir Thomas More's works. Some of his most famous writings include "Utopia" and "The History of King Richard III." Check your local library or bookstore for collections of his writings, which may include additional quotes.

2. Online Quote Databases: Utilize online quote databases and search engines. Websites like Goodreads, BrainyQuote, and Wikiquote often have collections of quotes by famous authors, including Sir Thomas More. Search for his name on these platforms to find a broader range of quotes.

3. Academic Sources: Consult academic sources and scholarly articles that focus on Sir Thomas More's works. These sources may not only provide quotes but also offer critical analysis and interpretation. Access online databases like JSTOR or Google Scholar and search for articles about Sir Thomas More. This can help you discover lesser-known quotes.

4. Specific Themes: If you have a particular theme or topic in mind, focus your search on quotes by Sir Thomas More that relate to that theme. For example, if you are interested in quotes related to justice, search for "Sir Thomas More quotes on justice." This targeted approach can help you find quotes that align more closely with your interests.

Remember, it's essential to verify the authenticity and sources of quotes to ensure accuracy.