I can't remember which atoms on the periodic table have larger radii than others. Can you help me with the following problem:

Order Rb, Fr, Sb, and I from smallest to largest radius

I think it is I, Sb, Rb, Fr. Please confirm!

That is correct. The radius increases down and to the left of the periodic table

To determine the order of Rb, Fr, Sb, and I from smallest to largest radius, you will need to compare their positions on the periodic table and consider the trends in atomic size.

1. Rb (Rubidium) - Rb is located in Group 1, Period 5 of the periodic table. As you move down a group, atomic size generally increases due to the addition of more electron shells.

2. Fr (Francium) - Fr is located below Rb in the same group, Group 1, Period 7. Since it is positioned below Rb, it is expected to have a larger atomic radius.

3. Sb (Antimony) - Sb is located in Group 15, Period 5. Compared to the Group 1 elements, atoms in Group 15 tend to have smaller radii due to the increased effective nuclear charge.

4. I (Iodine) - I is located in Group 17, Period 5. Similar to Sb, atoms in Group 17 also have smaller radii compared to Group 1 elements.

Based on these trends, the order from smallest to largest radius would be:
Sb, I, Rb, Fr

So, Antimony (Sb) has the smallest atomic radius, followed by Iodine (I), Rubidium (Rb), and finally Francium (Fr) with the largest atomic radius.

To determine the order of the atoms Rb, Fr, Sb, and I from smallest to largest radius, we need to look at their positions on the periodic table.

Step 1: Locate the elements on the periodic table
Rb - Rubidium, Fr - Francium, Sb - Antimony, I - Iodine

Step 2: Understand the periodic trend for atomic radius
Atomic radius generally decreases across a period (from left to right) and increases down a group (from top to bottom).

Step 3: Determine the order based on the periodic trend
Since Rb and Fr are in the same group (Group 1), Francium (Fr) will have a larger atomic radius due to its position below Rubidium (Rb) on the periodic table.

Now, let's compare Sb and I. They are in different periods, but in the same group (Group 17). When comparing elements in the same group, atomic radius generally increases down the group. Since Iodine (I) is below Antimony (Sb) in Group 17, Iodine will have a larger atomic radius.

Based on this analysis, we can order the atoms from smallest to largest radius as follows:
Rb < Sb < I < Fr