im writing a research essay about the legalization of drugs are there any good websites you have for this topic? Also i have to say which side i take without saying the other side is wrong, and don't know how to make this paper sound too general.

I suggest you start by reading several of these websites.

To make the paper specific, you can cite statistics, quote experts, and give details about legalization of some of the most common drugs.

thank you, also i have to be able to sympathsize with the other side, but last time i wrote an essay and did that for this class, it sounded like i was for both sides. how do i make it so that i can strongly agree with 1 side, but also can understand where people are coming from on the other side. last time i wrote more about the side i was for than the 1 i wasnt, but my teacher still said i needed more information.

First, do a thorough job of researching both sides of the question. Then, you can use such phrases as, "the (opposition) seems to forget that . . ." or "I understand their concerns, but . . ." or "they have a good point, but . . ."

should i add more information 2 my side....or equal information about both sides thanks

I think you'll find yourself using more facts for your side than the other.

When it comes to finding reliable websites for your research on the legalization of drugs, it's important to consult credible sources that present a balanced perspective on the topic. Here are a few reputable websites that can provide valuable information:

1. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) - Visit the NIDA website at, which provides comprehensive and research-based information on drugs, addiction, and related topics. While this source may focus more on the risks and harmful effects of drugs, it can also offer insights into the current legal and policy aspects.

2. Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) - The DPA's website,, presents a different perspective by advocating for drug policy reform. It provides research, analysis, and advocacy materials that support evidence-based approaches to drug issues, including legalization.

3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - Explore the CDC's website at to access data, research, and reports related to drugs, substance abuse, and public health. This source can offer insights into the impact of drug legalization on public health outcomes.

4. Pew Research Center - Visit the Pew Research Center's website at to find well-researched articles and reports about drug policy, public opinion, and factual information on drug-related issues. This source can help you understand different perspectives and public opinion on the topic.

Remember, it's crucial to critically evaluate the information you find on these websites or any other sources you come across. Look for reputable organizations, peer-reviewed research articles, and data-driven reports to ensure accuracy and reliability.

Regarding presenting your argument without dismissing opposing views and avoiding generalizations, here are a few tips:

1. Be balanced: Acknowledge the different perspectives and arguments related to drug legalization. Present both positive and negative aspects while maintaining an objective tone throughout your essay.

2. Use evidence: Support your statements with relevant evidence, such as research studies, statistics, and expert opinions. This will strengthen your argument and demonstrate a well-informed position.

3. Address counterarguments: Rather than presenting the opposing viewpoint as "wrong," address potential counterarguments and provide counterpoints to demonstrate your understanding of the complexity of the issue. Engaging with opposing views in a respectful manner adds credibility to your argument.

4. Be specific: Avoid making broad statements or sweeping generalizations. Instead, focus on specific aspects of drug legalization and discuss their implications. This will help you provide a more nuanced analysis and avoid generalizations.

By consulting reliable sources, critically analyzing information, and presenting a balanced argument, you can write an informative and well-supported research essay on the legalization of drugs.