CheckPoint: Terrestrial Resource Plan

· Resources: Ch. 12-16 of Visualizing Environmental Science and Appendix F
· Due Date: Day 5 [Individual forum]
· Choose a terrestrial resource issue discussed in Ch. 12-16 of the text.
· Post a 5- to 7-slide PowerPoint® presentation according to the following:
o A brief description of the terrestrial resource issue
o A management and sustainment plan for the terrestrial resource
o Challenges or implications of your management and sustainment plan
· Use Appendix F as a guide when developing your sustainment plan.
· Use speaker notes to provide the details of your plan.
· Include APA guidelines for any citations and references used.
· Post as an attachment.

Axia College Material
Appendix F
Sustainability Plan Guidelines
Your sustainability plan should present what, when, and how something is to be sustained and maintained now and into the indefinite future. Your plan can be submitted in a narrative or table format. The Corporation for National and Community Service (n.d.) provides the following list of components that make up a sustainability plan that should be included in your paper or table:

1. Action items: Provide the items or activities that need to be addressed or that need to occur. Refer to the following example: My plan for sustaining clean air in my community is to develop an education program about air pollution-generating activities and their effects, schedule a presentation day and time, invite community participants, and research the effects of air pollution.
2. Order of action items: Discuss how the action items in step 1 will align or occur. One event or activity should occur before another; thus, order the items into steps similar to the following: 1) Research the effects of air pollution. 2) Develop an education program. 3) Schedule a presentation day and time. 4) Invite the community.
3. Action steps: Explain how you are going to conduct the action items. How are you going to make each item or activity happen? Include individuals or groups who will help you conduct these activities. Use the following as a guide: In order to schedule a presentation day and time, I will attend next month’s community homeowner’s association (HOA) meeting and request permission from the board to add it to the following month’s agenda.
4. Timeline: Estimate when you are going to conduct the action items, such as “In months 1-3, I will complete the research.” If an item or activity does not have a specific conclusion time, indicate that it is “ongoing.”
The following is a sample of how you might incorporate your sustainability plan into a table format—keep in mind this is an incomplete plan:

Action Items
(in the correct order) Action Steps Timeline
Research and identify the effects of air pollution. Review environmental Web sites and journals.
Document the sources of air pollution and both environmental and health effects of air pollution.

Document video interviews of environmental researchers and facilitators. Month 1-3
Develop an education program about air pollution effects. Develop a presentation about why this program is needed and include air pollution’s ill effects, the lifestyle changes that will be required, and the benefits and challenges of change. Month 1-3
Schedule a presentation day and time. Attend a monthly HOA meeting to present the benefits of the program.

Request the HOA board add the presentation to the following month’s agenda.

Document the audio and visual equipment needed for presentation and layout of the room. Month 4
Identify and invite community participants. Tally the number of homes in the community.

Create and distribute flyers to homes announcing the next HOA meeting and the educational program that will be introduced. Month 4-5

The Terrestrial Resource that I pick out of the Chapters 12-16 is, Reducing solid waste.

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Axia College Material
Appendix F
Sustainability Plan Guidelines
Your sustainability plan should present what, when, and how something is to be sustained and maintained now and into the indefinite future. Your plan can be submitted in a narrative or table format. The Corporation for National and Community Service (n.d.) provides the following list of components that make up a sustainability plan that should be included in your paper or table:

What are the challenges of managing your chosen terrestrial resource issue? What human activities contribute to the problem?

Description of the Terrestrial Resource Issue: Reducing Solid Waste

Reducing solid waste is an important terrestrial resource issue that needs to be addressed to ensure the sustainability of our planet. Solid waste refers to any non-liquid waste materials that are discarded and need to be managed properly. This includes items such as plastics, paper, glass, and household waste.

Management and Sustainment Plan for the Terrestrial Resource:

1. Action Items:
- Implement recycling programs: Set up recycling bins in communities, schools, and public places to encourage people to separate recyclable materials from regular waste.
- Educate the public: Develop educational programs to raise awareness about the importance of reducing solid waste and the benefits of recycling.
- Promote composting: Encourage individuals and communities to compost organic waste, such as food scraps and yard trimmings, to reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfills.
- Reduce single-use items: Advocate for the use of reusable products, such as reusable bags, bottles, and containers, to minimize the generation of waste.

2. Order of Action Items:
- Step 1: Implement recycling programs
- Step 2: Educate the public
- Step 3: Promote composting
- Step 4: Reduce single-use items

3. Action Steps:
- For implementing recycling programs, collaborate with local governments and waste management companies to provide appropriate recycling facilities and collection services.
- Develop educational materials, including brochures, videos, and workshops, to inform the public about the importance of reducing solid waste and the proper methods of recycling.
- Work with communities and individuals to establish composting systems, provide guidance on composting techniques, and promote the use of compost in gardening and agriculture.
- Encourage businesses and individuals to switch to reusable alternatives by providing incentives, such as discounts for bringing reusable bags or providing reusable containers for takeout food.

4. Timeline:
- Months 1-3: Establish recycling programs and distribute educational materials.
- Months 4-6: Conduct workshops and awareness campaigns to educate the public about waste reduction.
- Ongoing: Support and monitor the implementation of composting systems in communities.
- Ongoing: Continuously promote the use of reusable items and encourage the reduction of single-use items.

Challenges or Implications of the Management and Sustainment Plan:
- Lack of awareness and resistance to change: People may be resistant to adopting new waste management practices or reducing their reliance on single-use items. Education and awareness campaigns are crucial to overcome these challenges.
- Infrastructure and funding: Setting up recycling programs and composting systems require appropriate infrastructure and funding. Collaboration with local governments and waste management companies can help overcome these challenges.
- Monitoring and enforcement: Ensuring that recycling programs are properly implemented and that waste is being managed sustainably requires effective monitoring and enforcement mechanisms. This can be challenging, but it is essential for the long-term success of the plan.

In conclusion, reducing solid waste is a crucial terrestrial resource issue that requires a comprehensive management and sustainment plan. By implementing recycling programs, educating the public, promoting composting, and reducing the use of single-use items, we can contribute to the long-term sustainability of our planet.