write a critical analysis on the poetry of henry longfellow

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To write a critical analysis on the poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, there are several steps you can take:

1. Familiarize yourself with Longfellow's works: Start by reading a selection of Longfellow's poetry, including his most famous pieces such as "Paul Revere's Ride," "The Song of Hiawatha," and "The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere." Take note of his themes, writing style, and the historical context in which he was writing.

2. Research the poet's background: Understanding the poet's life and experiences can provide valuable insights into his poetry. Longfellow was influenced by his travels, his academic career as a professor at Harvard, and his personal tragedies. Explore how these factors might have shaped his poetry and perspective.

3. Analyze his themes and subjects: Longfellow's poetry often explored universal themes such as love, loss, the human condition, and American history. Look for recurring motifs or symbols in his work and analyze how these contribute to the overall themes he addresses. Consider his use of nature, religion, and cultural references in his verses.

4. Study his writing style: Pay attention to Longfellow's poetic techniques, such as meter, rhyme scheme, and word choices. Analyze the impact of these stylistic choices on the overall meaning and effectiveness of his poems. Look for patterns or variations in his use of these elements throughout his works.

5. Consider the social and historical context: Longfellow wrote during a time of significant social change in America, particularly during the mid-19th century. Investigate how societal and historical influences, such as the abolitionist movement, the Civil War, and the rise of industrialization, are reflected in Longfellow's poetry.

6. Compare and contrast with other poets: To gain a deeper understanding of Longfellow's contributions to the world of poetry, compare his work with that of his contemporaries or other poets from different eras. Identify similarities and differences in themes, styles, and literary techniques, and explore how Longfellow's writing stands out or aligns with the larger poetic canon.

7. Formulate your analysis: Based on your research and understanding, formulate your critical analysis of Longfellow's poetry. Develop a clear argument or thesis statement that reflects your interpretation of his work. Use evidence from the poems, along with supporting scholarly sources, to support your claims and present a well-rounded analysis of his poetry.

Remember, in any critical analysis, it is essential to support your opinions with evidence from the text and from reputable sources.