
find the value of x and show the steps

expand, collect all like terms to the left side to end up with a quadratic equation.

solve using the formula.

i don't get it

v didn't study quadratic equations yet
can u explain it through work

your equation leads to a quadratic equation.

If you have not studied that topic, an explanation is beyond what I can do here in a simple post

here is my result from a Google search


To find the value of x in the given equation, we need to simplify and solve the equation step by step.

Starting with the equation:

4.5x(1.25x + 130) = 3x - 115

Step 1: Distribute the 4.5x on the left side of the equation:

4.5x * 1.25x + 4.5x * 130 = 3x - 115

5.625x^2 + 585x = 3x - 115

Step 2: Move all the terms to one side of the equation by subtracting 3x from both sides:

5.625x^2 + 585x - 3x = -115

5.625x^2 + 582x = -115

Step 3: Combine like terms:

5.625x^2 + 582x + 115 = 0

Step 4: Now we have a quadratic equation. To solve it, we can use the quadratic formula, which is:

x = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a)

For our equation, a = 5.625, b = 582, and c = 115.

Applying the quadratic formula:

x = (-582 ± √((582)^2 - 4 * 5.625 * 115)) / (2 * 5.625)

x = (-582 ± √(338724 - 3150)) / 11.25

x = (-582 ± √335574) / 11.25

Step 5: Simplify the square root:

x = (-582 ± √(186*1806)) / 11.25

Since we cannot simplify the square root further, we can proceed with the two separate solutions:

x1 = (-582 + √335574) / 11.25
x2 = (-582 - √335574) / 11.25

Using a calculator, we can calculate the approximate values for x1 and x2:

x1 ≈ -1.0017
x2 ≈ -193.672

Therefore, the solutions to the equation are approximately x ≈ -1.0017 and x ≈ -193.672.