why student refrain from absences in this new generation??

raine or yen or whoever,

Read the other post and read many of the articles in those search results.

If students are absent from classes (elementary, middle, or high school, college, whatever), they miss instruction and practice in the new skills they learn. There is no really good way to re-create the teaching and learning that goes on in a classroom each day.

i don't know what ur talkin' about. but tankz for your comment.

Do I understand the question is 'why students today are less likely to be absent from class?'

If this is the question you will need some data to back this up. I suspect that the number of absences changes over the age groups.
There is quite a lot of data on absences from UK schools published on the internet. I don't know about the US. This might give you a start, and give you some idea of reasons perhaps.


The reasons why students refrain from absences in this new generation can vary, but here are a few possible explanations:

1. Importance of Education: In today's world, education is highly valued, and students are often aware of the vital role it plays in their future success. Students understand that attending school and being present in class helps them acquire knowledge, skills, and qualifications needed for their academic and professional growth.

2. Access to Information: With the advent of the internet and digital resources, students have access to a plethora of information that can supplement their learning. They understand that missing classes can result in missing out on important content or discussions, which may be challenging to catch up on later.

3. Increased Competition: In the current competitive landscape, students strive for academic excellence to secure good grades and get into reputable colleges or universities. Being absent from class can hinder their performance and potentially affect their academic standing or competitive advantage.

4. Accountability and Tracking Systems: Many schools now have more sophisticated methods of attendance tracking, such as online portals or apps. This increased transparency and accountability make it harder for students to skip classes unnoticed. Additionally, schools often have policies and consequences for excessive absences, which act as a deterrent for students.

5. Engagement and Interaction: In recent years, there is a greater emphasis on student engagement and active learning. Many teachers employ interactive teaching methods and group activities that make class time valuable and enjoyable. Students recognize the benefits of being present and actively participating in these engaging classroom experiences.

Of course, it is important to remember that these reasons may not apply universally to all students. Individual motivations may vary depending on personal circumstances, educational systems, cultural backgrounds, and other factors.