74. Four brands of soap are available in a local store.

Compute the unit price and decide which brand is the best buy.
Brand Ounces Total Price Unit Price
Squeaky Clean 5.5 $0.36
Smell Fresh 7.5 0.41
Feel Nice 4.5 0.31
Look Bright 6.5 0.44

Divide "ounces" by "total price" for each type soap, and pick the the one with the lowest number.

"Squeaky clean" is 6.54 cents per ounce, for example. You do rest.

To calculate the unit price for each brand, you need to divide the total price by the number of ounces. Let's do it for each brand:

1. Squeaky Clean:
Unit Price = Total Price / Ounces
Unit Price = $0.36 / 5.5
Unit Price ≈ $0.065 per ounce

2. Smell Fresh:
Unit Price = Total Price / Ounces
Unit Price = $0.41 / 7.5
Unit Price ≈ $0.0547 per ounce

3. Feel Nice:
Unit Price = Total Price / Ounces
Unit Price = $0.31 / 4.5
Unit Price ≈ $0.0689 per ounce

4. Look Bright:
Unit Price = Total Price / Ounces
Unit Price = $0.44 / 6.5
Unit Price ≈ $0.0677 per ounce

Now, let's compare the unit prices to determine which brand is the best buy:

- Squeaky Clean: $0.065 per ounce
- Smell Fresh: $0.0547 per ounce
- Feel Nice: $0.0689 per ounce
- Look Bright: $0.0677 per ounce

Based on the unit prices, Smell Fresh has the lowest unit price of $0.0547 per ounce, making it the best buy among the four brands of soap available in the local store.