Where could I find detailed character descriptions on Josephine and Constantia in The Daughters of the Late Colonel?

I'm totally stumped!


The Daughters of the Late Colonel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Sep 24, 2008 ... The Daughters of the Late Colonel is a 1921 short story by Katherine Mansfield. It was first published in the London Mercury in May 1921, ...

The Daughters of the Late Colonel by Katherine Mansfield @ Classic ... The Daughters of the Late Colonel by Katherine Mansfield. Member Tools: Member Login · ©2008 Blackdog Media · Site News · FAQ · Resources · Link to Us.
Must be a "member," whatever that entails.

The Daughters of the Late Colonel Summary - Katherine Mansfield ... The Daughters of the Late Colonel by Katherine Mansfield.
Also must be a member...

I am not finding too much online beyond these three and stuff from cheat-essay types of websites! I don't trust those, and I don't want to promote plagiarism!!

If the story is still under copyright, there won't be very much available online.

To find detailed character descriptions of Josephine and Constantia in the book "The Daughters of the Late Colonel," there are a few steps you can take:

1. Start by searching for a summary or analysis of the book. This will give you an overview of the story and provide some context for the characters.

2. Once you have a basic understanding of the characters, you can search for specific character analyses or profiles. Check literary analysis websites, book review platforms, or academic databases to find articles or essays that delve deeper into Josephine and Constantia's personalities, motivations, and roles in the story.

3. Another useful resource is the book itself. Look for passages in the text that provide information about the characters' physical appearances, behaviors, mannerisms, or internal thoughts. Pay attention to the way they are described by the narrator or other characters.

4. If you're studying the book for academic purposes, consider checking if there are any critical editions, annotated versions, or study guides available. These often include extensive character analysis sections.

Remember that finding detailed character descriptions may involve a combination of reading the book, exploring secondary sources, and analyzing the text. Be prepared to do some research and reading to uncover the information you're looking for. Best of luck with your search!