When referring to multiple men in a sentence is it proper to use the salutation (Mrss.) i.e. Mrss. Smith, Jones, and Wilson gave their permission to proceed with the project.


No, it's "Messrs." --


No, it is not proper to use the salutation "Mrss." when referring to multiple men in a sentence. The term "Mrss." is a combination of "Mr." (used to address a man) and "Mrs." (used to address a married woman). It is not appropriate to use this salutation in your sentence.

When referring to multiple men in a sentence, you can use the term "Messrs." instead. So, your sentence should be written as:

"Messrs. Smith, Jones, and Wilson gave their permission to proceed with the project."

The term "Messrs." is the plural form of "Mr." and is used to address multiple men in a formal or professional context.