I need help with making my outline parallel.

II. Body
A. Needs
1. Feeding
a. Cats
b. Dogs
2. Training
a. Cats
b. Dogs
3. Grooming
a. Cats
b. Dogs
4. Medicating
a. Cats
b. Dogs
B. Personalities
1. Cats
a. Playing
b. Vocalizing
c. Independence

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To make your outline parallel, you need to ensure that each level of your outline follows a consistent and logical structure. In this case, you have outlined your information in a hierarchical format using Roman numerals (I, II) and letters (A, B), and then using numbers (1, 2) and letters (a, b) for further subcategories.

To parallelize your outline, you should ensure that each level and sublevel has consistent formatting. In your example, you have a level II, "Body," followed by subcategories A and B. To make these parallel, you could introduce another subcategory at the same level below B, such as C. This will allow you to organize your information into separate groups.

Here's an example of how you can modify your outline to make it more parallel:

II. Body
A. Needs
1. Feeding
a. Cats
b. Dogs
2. Training
a. Cats
b. Dogs
3. Grooming
a. Cats
b. Dogs
4. Medicating
a. Cats
b. Dogs
B. Personalities
1. Cats
a. Playing
b. Vocalizing
c. Independence
2. Dogs
a. Playing
b. Vocalizing
c. Loyalty

In this revised outline, under subcategory B "Personalities," there is now a parallel subcategory 2 "Dogs," which has sub-items a, b, and c, just like subcategory 1 "Cats." This maintains a consistent structure and ensures that each level of the outline has similar information.

By following a clear and consistent structure like this, your outline will become more organized and easier to understand.