i have three photographs, one of a soccer ball, one of cd's, one of books, and one of boxes and chaos. i have to write one sentence that connects them all and tells about my life but it cant be really cliche and concrete.. i cant think of anything that isn't concrete. any ideas???


Three photos? I count four!

Anyway, this is calling for creativity, and what someone here dreams up will not be YOUR creativity. So don't expect any direct answers to your questions.

Think about fitting these photos into one of these broad themes or abstract ideas. Then decide how your life is reflected in whatever you think up.

Personal joys
Goals and dreams
Goals, dreams, and failures
Learning from mistakes
Personality traits

Keep thinking...

You might think of metaphors/similes...

Life is like a soccer ball; it keeps hitting me in the head with possibilities. <G> How might cd's or books or a pile of boxes be like 'life'?

To find a non-cliché and abstract connection between the photographs that reflects your life, you can start by analyzing the symbolism of each object and thinking about the broader concepts they represent.

1. Soccer ball: Signifies teamwork, dedication, and the pursuit of goals.
2. CD's: Represents creativity, self-expression, and the ability to embrace different genres or styles.
3. Books: Symbolize knowledge, growth, and the power of imagination.
4. Boxes and chaos: Represents the unpredictable nature of life, challenges, and the need to adapt and find order amidst chaos.

Considering these symbolic meanings, you could create a sentence along the lines of: "My life is an intricate mosaic, weaving teamwork, creative expression, thirst for knowledge, and the ability to navigate chaos into a tapestry of growth and adaptability."

Remember, the key is to merge the abstract concepts behind each object, while conveying a sense of personal connection and reflection in your sentence. Feel free to modify or expand upon this sentence to make it resonate with your own experiences and journey.