
1. Jesse wants to see a context diagram and a diagram 0 DFD for TIMS. Be sure to include at least four processes in the diagram 0 DFD.
2. Jesse would also like to see a lower-level diagram for each of the four processes that you identify in diagram 0. You can label the data flows in a general manner on the context diagram, then go into more detail in the lower-level diagrams.
3. Prepare a decision table and a decision tree that show the logical rules described in Jesse's message about fees and discounts.
4. Jesse wants you to identify possible use cases and actors and draw a use case diagram for at least three use cases such as Determine Schedule, Register, and Maintain Training Records. Possible actors might include Training Administrator, Instructor, Student, and Corporate Client. Remember to put a system boundary around the diagram so you’ll know what is internal and what is external to the system.
Hints for drawing DFD:
1. TIMS system has six external entities: Corporate client, Training Administrator, Instructor, Student, Course and Accounting system.
2. There are four major processes and three major data stores to be displayed in Diagram 0. Processes are “Manage Course Scheduling”, “Register Students”, “Maintain Training Records”, and “Produce Reports”. Data stores are “Student Data”, “Schedule Data” and “Training Data”.
3. TIMS system manages course scheduling by integrating scheduling decisions from training administrator, course data and training data. Through this process, TIMS will generate a course schedule and course assignment for instructors. Managing course scheduling involves at least three lower level processes: analyze schedule demand, analyze instructor availability and create schedule.
4. TIMS registers students by integrating course requests, course schedule data, students’ current registration data (or training data), and payment. Through this process, TIMS will generate registration confirmation and invoice for students, a roster for instructor and accounting data for accounting system. Registering students involves at least five lower level processes: process course requests, update registration data, create course roasters, handle invoices and payments and prepare accounting data.
5. Maintain training records process receives course completion data from instructors and updates the training data.
6. TIMS also uses training data to produce various reports such as training reports for training administrator and training summary report for corporate clients.

If you are trying to "cut and paste" it will not work here. You must type it all out, as you probably did in your next post.


1. Here is a step-by-step process to create the context diagram and diagram 0 DFD for TIMS:

Step 1: Identify the external entities and major processes:
- External entities: Corporate client, Training Administrator, Instructor, Student, Course, and Accounting system.
- Major processes: Manage Course Scheduling, Register Students, Maintain Training Records, and Produce Reports.
- Data stores: Student Data, Schedule Data, and Training Data.

Step 2: Draw the context diagram:
- Place the system (TIMS) in the center of the diagram.
- Draw arrows representing data flows between the system and the external entities (Corporate client, Training Administrator, Instructor, Student, Course, and Accounting system).
- Label the data flows in a general manner (e.g., "Course Requests", "Course Schedule") without going into too much detail.

Step 3: Draw the diagram 0 DFD:
- Place the major processes (Manage Course Scheduling, Register Students, Maintain Training Records, and Produce Reports) inside the system boundary.
- Connect the data stores (Student Data, Schedule Data, and Training Data) to the appropriate processes.
- Add data flows between the processes and data stores, as well as between the processes and external entities.
- Make sure to include at least four processes in the diagram 0 DFD.

2. To create lower-level diagrams for each of the four processes identified in diagram 0 (Manage Course Scheduling, Register Students, Maintain Training Records, and Produce Reports):

Step 1: Identify the lower-level processes for each major process:
- Manage Course Scheduling: Analyze Schedule Demand, Analyze Instructor Availability, and Create Schedule.
- Register Students: Process Course Requests, Update Registration Data, Create Course Rosters, Handle Invoices and Payments, and Prepare Accounting Data.
- Maintain Training Records: Receive Course Completion Data from Instructors and Update Training Data.
- Produce Reports: Use Training Data to Generate Training Reports for Training Administrator and Training Summary Reports for Corporate Clients.

Step 2: Create a separate diagram for each lower-level process:
- Place the lower-level process inside the system boundary.
- Connect the appropriate data flows from the major process to the lower-level process.
- Add any other data flows and data stores required for the specific process.
- Repeat this step for each lower-level process identified.

3. To prepare a decision table and a decision tree for the logical rules described in Jesse's message about fees and discounts:

Step 1: Identify the logical rules described in Jesse's message about fees and discounts.
- For example, the logical rule could be: "If a student is a corporate client, they receive a 10% discount on the course fee."

Step 2: Create a decision table:
- List all the possible conditions (e.g., corporate client, course type, payment method) as rows in the table.
- List all the possible actions (e.g., apply discount, calculate fee) as columns in the table.
- Fill in the table with the appropriate values based on the logical rules described.

Step 3: Create a decision tree:
- Start with a decision node representing the first condition.
- Branch out based on the possible outcomes of that condition, creating subsequent decision nodes.
- Continue branching out until all conditions have been evaluated and all actions have been determined.

4. To identify possible use cases and actors and draw a use case diagram for at least three use cases (Determine Schedule, Register, and Maintain Training Records):

Step 1: Identify possible use cases based on the system's functionality:
- Determine Schedule: This use case involves managing course scheduling, analyzing schedule demand, instructor availability, and creating schedules.
- Register: This use case involves registering students, processing course requests, updating registration data, handling invoices and payments, and preparing accounting data.
- Maintain Training Records: This use case involves receiving course completion data from instructors and updating training data.

Step 2: Identify possible actors:
- Training Administrator: This actor interacts with the system to determine the schedule, register students, and maintain training records.
- Instructor: This actor provides course completion data and interacts with the system to determine the schedule and register students.
- Student: This actor interacts with the system to register for courses and receive training.

Step 3: Draw the use case diagram:
- Draw the system boundary to differentiate between internal and external components.
- Place the use cases (Determine Schedule, Register, Maintain Training Records) inside the system boundary.
- Place the actors (Training Administrator, Instructor, Student) outside the system boundary.
- Connect the use cases to the actors with lines to represent the interactions between them.

To complete the tasks assigned by Jesse, follow the instructions below:

1. To create a context diagram for TIMS, start by identifying the system boundary and the external entities. The system boundary encompasses TIMS, while the six external entities are Corporate Client, Training Administrator, Instructor, Student, Course, and Accounting System. Represent the external entities as rectangles and connect them to TIMS with labeled arrows to indicate the data flows between them.

2. Next, create a Diagram 0 DFD which shows the major processes and data stores in the system. The four major processes for TIMS are "Manage Course Scheduling," "Register Students," "Maintain Training Records," and "Produce Reports." The three major data stores are "Student Data," "Schedule Data," and "Training Data." Add these processes and data stores to the Diagram 0, connecting them with labeled arrows to represent the data flows between them.

3. For each of the four processes identified in Diagram 0, create a lower-level diagram to show more detail. Label the data flows in the context diagram in a general manner, and then provide more detailed labels in the lower-level diagrams. Use subprocesses to represent the lower-level processes, and connect them to the main processes with labeled arrows to indicate the data flows.

4. For the decision table and decision tree, refer to the logical rules described in Jesse's message about fees and discounts. Analyze the rules and determine the conditions and possible outcomes. Create a decision table with the conditions as the rows and the outcomes as the columns. Fill in the table with the appropriate rules and outcomes.

5. To create a use case diagram, start by identifying the use cases and actors mentioned in Jesse's message. Possible use cases include "Determine Schedule," "Register," and "Maintain Training Records." Possible actors include "Training Administrator," "Instructor," "Student," and "Corporate Client." Draw a system boundary around the diagram to distinguish between internal and external elements. Represent the actors as stick figures and the use cases as ovals connected to the actors with labeled lines.

By following these instructions, you will be able to complete the tasks assigned by Jesse regarding the context diagram, Diagram 0 DFD, lower-level diagrams, decision table, decision tree, and use case diagram for TIMS.