Before the Civil Rights Movement there was a lot of prejudice towards blakc people. In the boxes below, draw three signs you might have seen that were unjust towards black people in a small southern town.

I need help. I sorta understand what it is asking. But don't know what to draw.


Check these signs.

Why Jim Crow signs?

The Jim Crow laws were those that kept the blacks segregated from the whites in the South.

Your question is asking you to illustrate signs that were found in the South before the Civil Rights movement changed the Jim Crow laws.

I can help you come up with ideas for the three signs you can draw to depict the unjust treatment of Black people before the Civil Rights Movement. Remember, the purpose of this exercise is to understand the discrimination they faced, so let's approach this with sensitivity and respect. Here are three examples you can consider:

1. A "Whites Only" sign: This was a common sight during that time, indicating segregation and the denial of access to public facilities like restaurants, water fountains, or restrooms to Black individuals.

2. A segregated seating sign: You can draw a sign that shows separate seating areas, one labeled as "For Whites" and the other as "For Colored," demonstrating racial segregation and the unequal treatment of Black people.

3. A "No Voting Rights for Colored" sign: Depict a signboard representing the barriers faced by Black people when attempting to exercise their right to vote, such as literacy tests, poll taxes, or other discriminatory practices.

Remember, the purpose of this exercise is educational and to promote understanding, so approach it with sensitivity and empathy.