What does "llanura costera del pacifico" mean?

That's funny... I know someone in my spanish class whose name is Cecilia... well anyway, I don't know the translation myself, but I would try going on a translation website or google "translation websites"

Hope I helped!

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Please, do not rely on translation websites. They NEVER get the nuances of the language. Invest in a good paper-back dictionary that is English > Spanish/Spanish > English. It is an investment in your education! AMSCO has a good one.

la llanura = plain
costera = costal
del pacífico = of the Pacific

Put this all together and you have "Pacific coastal plain."


"Llanura costera del Pacifico" is a Spanish phrase that translates to "Pacific coastal plain" in English. It refers to a geographical feature, specifically a flat or gently sloping coastal area along the Pacific Ocean. If you encounter Spanish phrases or words that you're unfamiliar with, you can use online translation tools like Google Translate or other language dictionaries to help find their meanings.