Blank is when members of a particular minority group have a longstanding lineage of repression and oppression. Research suggests that it can lead to stress in some individuals of that minority group.

-subjective racism
- historical racism
- unconscious racism
- theoretical racism
- ancestorial racism

I googled all of these and there's no information on them. My text book doesn't mention any of these. If I had to take an educated guess I would say the answer would be unconscious racism or subjective racism. Only like 30% sure.

Go to and look up the terms.

Concentrate on the terms that are in line with the word "longstanding."

What do you think?

PS -- The word in your last choice should be "ancestral," not "ancestorial." But that may have been your teacher's error.

Based on your description and the options provided, the most logical answer in this context would likely be historical racism. Historical racism refers to the long-standing lineage of repression and oppression that members of a particular minority group have faced throughout history. This historical context can lead to stress in individuals within that minority group. While unconscious racism and subjective racism are relevant concepts, they do not specifically capture the concept of a longstanding lineage of repression and oppression.

It's understandable that you didn't find information about some of the terms you mentioned, as they might not be commonly used in academic or research literature. However, the concept you are describing is often referred to as "historical racism."

Historical racism encompasses the long-standing systemic oppression, discrimination, and prejudice faced by members of a particular minority group. This type of racism is rooted in the history of a society or a specific community, where certain minority groups have experienced a prolonged period of mistreatment or disadvantage based on factors such as race, ethnicity, or nationality.

Research has shown that historical racism can have far-reaching effects on individuals of these minority groups, including psychological and physiological stress. The cumulative impact of historical racism leads to stressors such as discrimination, stereotyping, and exclusion, which can contribute to mental health issues, lower self-esteem, and overall reduced well-being.

In relation to the given options, "subjective racism" may refer to individual biases or attitudes, whereas "unconscious racism" refers to implicit biases that people might hold without consciously being aware of them. While both subjective and unconscious racism can contribute to oppression and discrimination, they do not specifically capture the concept of a longstanding lineage of repression and oppression across generations, as historical racism does.

Therefore, based on the information provided, "historical racism" is the most accurate term to describe the phenomenon you are referring to.