Il a mangé souvent les souris.


Il mangeait souvent les souris.


And your question is? What it says is "He often ate mice!"

Sra (aka Mme)

hahahaha what? do you speak french? i'm asking if you would use the past tense (Il a mangé souvent les souris.) or the imperfect (Il mangeait souvent les souris.) i thought it was perfectly obvious lolololol.

il mangeait souvent des souris

The sentences you provided are in French and can be translated to English as:

"He often ate the mice" and "He used to eat the mice often."

In both sentences, the subject "il" (he) is performing the action of eating the mice. The word "souvent" means "often," indicating a frequency in the action.

To form the past tense in French, you can use the verb "manger" (to eat) in the passé composé tense with the auxiliary verb "avoir" (to have). In this case, "a mangé" is the past tense of "manger" in the third person singular form. This construction is used to describe a completed action in the past.

Similarly, to express habitual or repeated actions in the past, you can use the imparfait tense in French. In this case, "mangeait" is the imperfect tense of "manger" in the third person singular form. The imparfait is used to describe ongoing actions or states in the past.

Overall, both sentences convey the same meaning but with a slight difference in nuance. The first sentence implies that he ate mice on multiple occasions in the past, while the second sentence suggests that he had a habit of eating mice frequently in the past.