In her essay "what is poverty?" jo parker goodwin tries to convince the reader to help the poor. What 3 strategies did she use to achieve her goal?

yes. Jo Parker Goodwin

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To identify the three strategies used by Jo Parker Goodwin in her essay "What is Poverty?" to convince the reader to help the poor, we need to analyze the essay's content. Please note that as an AI language model, I don't have direct access to specific essays or articles, so I can provide you with some general strategies typically used to persuade readers to help the poor. These strategies might align with what Jo Parker Goodwin employed in her essay:

1. Emotional Appeal: One common persuasive strategy is to appeal to the reader's emotions. To encourage readers to help the poor, the author may have used vivid anecdotes, personal stories, or descriptive language to create empathy and evoke compassion. Sharing specific experiences of those affected by poverty can make the readers feel emotionally connected and more inclined to take action.

2. Statistical Evidence: Another persuasive technique is to provide factual information and statistical evidence. The author might have presented data and statistics related to poverty, such as the number of people living in poverty, their living conditions, or the negative consequences of poverty on individuals and society. By presenting these facts, the writer can strengthen their argument and make readers more aware of the urgency to help the poor.

3. Logical Reasoning: Using logical reasoning can be an effective strategy to persuade the reader. The author may have employed logical arguments, such as connecting the causes and effects of poverty, outlining potential solutions, or debunking common misconceptions about poverty. By presenting persuasive arguments in a logical and coherent manner, the writer can engage the reader's rationality and encourage them to take action.

Remember, these strategies are general and may be used in different combinations or adapted to fit the specific context and content of "What is Poverty?" by Jo Parker Goodwin. To gain a more accurate understanding of the strategies she employed, it is best to refer directly to her essay.