The atmospheric pressure at the summit of Mt. McKinley is 554 mm Hg on a certain day. What is the pressure in atmospheres and in kilopascals?

What are the conversions or formulas for this problem??

1 atm = 760 mm Hg = 101.325 kPa.

To convert atmospheric pressure from millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) to atmospheres (atm) or kilopascals (kPa), you'll need to use conversion factors and known relationships.

1. Converting atmospheric pressure from mm Hg to atm:
- 1 atm = 760 mm Hg (by definition)
- To convert mm Hg to atm, divide the mm Hg value by 760.
- Formula: pressure (atm) = pressure (mm Hg) / 760

2. Converting atmospheric pressure from mm Hg to kPa:
- 1 kPa = 7.50062 mm Hg (approx.)
- To convert mm Hg to kPa, multiply the mm Hg value by 0.1333223684.
- Formula: pressure (kPa) = pressure (mm Hg) * 0.1333223684

Now, let's apply these formulas to solve the problem:

Given: Atmospheric pressure at the summit of Mt. McKinley = 554 mm Hg

1. Converting mm Hg to atm:
pressure (atm) = 554 mm Hg / 760
= 0.727 atm (approx.)

2. Converting mm Hg to kPa:
pressure (kPa) = 554 mm Hg * 0.1333223684
= 73.932 kPa (approx.)

Therefore, the atmospheric pressure at the summit of Mt. McKinley is approximately 0.727 atm and 73.932 kPa.

To convert atmospheric pressure from mm Hg to atmospheres, you can use the following formula:

1 atmosphere = 760 mm Hg.

To convert atmospheric pressure from mm Hg to kilopascals (kPa), you can use the following formula:

1 kPa = 7.501 mm Hg.

Now let's solve the problem:

1. Convert mm Hg to atmospheres:
- Divide the given pressure by 760 mm Hg:
554 mm Hg / 760 mm Hg = 0.7289 atmospheres (rounded to four decimal places).

2. Convert mm Hg to kilopascals:
- Divide the given pressure by 7.501 mm Hg:
554 mm Hg / 7.501 mm Hg = 73.8755 kPa (rounded to four decimal places).

Therefore, the pressure at the summit of Mt. McKinley is approximately 0.7289 atmospheres and 73.8755 kilopascals.