Combine together the following pairs of sentences by using infinitives:-

1.You must part with your purse.On this condition only you can save your life.


Well, the first one is this:

You have to part with your purse if you want to save your life.
(Infinitives are underlined.)

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1. To save your life, you must part with your purse.

Explanation: To combine these two sentences using infinitives, we can use the infinitive form of the verb "part" ("to part"). The subject "you" remains the same, and the verb "must" is used to express necessity. We can rearrange the sentence to say "You must part with your purse," and then add the infinitive phrase "to save your life" at the beginning to link the two ideas.

2. She should exercise regularly if she wants to stay fit.

Explanation: This question states only the pairs of sentences and does not provide the original sentences to combine. Thus, I have created a new example to demonstrate how to combine sentences using infinitives. In this example, the original sentences "She should exercise regularly" and "She wants to stay fit" are combined using the infinitive phrase "if she wants to stay fit." The subject "she" remains the same, and the verb "should" expresses a suggestion or recommendation. The infinitive phrase "to stay fit" is added after the expression "if she wants" to connect the two ideas.