can someone please give me nice clear THESIS statement for this paper topic?

In an attempt to combat the drug problem that plagues larger cities all over the world, harm reduction strategies have been introduced. What are harm reduction strategies and are they effective? Why or why not? Discuss.
=) thanks.

How about:

Harm reduction strategies are attempts drug problems that plague larger cities.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

its so short :(

You need to decide whether harm reduction strategies are effective before you write your thesis statement.

First, do your research.

Then, write your thesis statement.

It could be: Harm reduction strategies are effective in reducing drug problems in cities.

Check these sites for explanations of good thesis sentences.

Certainly! Here is a nice and clear thesis statement for your paper topic:

"Despite the ongoing drug problem in larger cities, harm reduction strategies have been introduced as a proactive approach, aiming to minimize drug-related harm. While there is ongoing debate about their effectiveness, an in-depth exploration of harm reduction strategies will shed light on their merits, limitations, and potential impact on combating the drug problem."

To develop this thesis statement, you could follow these steps:

1. Understand the topic: Read through the paper topic carefully and identify the key elements. In this case, the topic focuses on harm reduction strategies in combating the drug problem in larger cities.

2. Identify the main question: Determine the core questions your paper will address. In this case, the question is, "What are harm reduction strategies, and are they effective in combating the drug problem?"

3. Highlight the key points: Outline the fundamental points you will discuss in the paper. For example, identifying harm reduction strategies, exploring their effectiveness, discussing the reasons for their efficacy or lack thereof, and examining their impact on combating the drug problem.

4. Craft a concise statement: Combine the key points into a clear and concise thesis statement that reflects the main focus of your paper.

Remember, a thesis statement is a roadmap for your paper, outlining the main argument and providing a preview of your analysis. It should be specific, debatable, and concise, guiding the reader throughout your paper as you address the central topic.