is Lead II Dichromate soluable?

Soluble in what? water? no. Note "soluble" is the word.

To determine whether Lead II Dichromate (PbCrO4) is soluble, we can refer to solubility rules or conduct a solubility experiment.

One method is to consult a solubility table or solubility rules. According to common solubility rules, chromates (CrO4²⁻) are typically insoluble, except for those with Group 1 cations (e.g., Na⁺, K⁺) and ammonium (NH4⁺). However, lead (Pb²⁺) compounds are known to contradict this rule, as they form slightly soluble compounds with many anions.

Another way to confirm the solubility of Lead II Dichromate is to perform a solubility experiment. You can take a small amount of Lead II Dichromate and dissolve it in water. If it readily dissolves, it is soluble. If it remains as a solid or forms a precipitate, it is insoluble.

Please note that handling chemicals should be done with care, and it is always recommended to follow proper safety protocols and consult reliable reference sources when conducting experiments.