Need information on the character of Mike Taylor in the book "The Place of Lions" by Eric Campbell.

Physical Appearance, Actions, Thoughts and Words, Other characters thoughts and feels, and aughtor tells directectly.

Thank you.

Reading the book will give you all of this information. Be sure to take notes on the most important characters. This will help you understand the book and will also help you study for the test over the book if you teacher give one.

he is very shy and animal loving. he has a grandpa, Bennie who is his assistant

To find information on the character of Mike Taylor in the book "The Place of Lions" by Eric Campbell, there are several ways you can go about it:

1. Read the Book: The most comprehensive way to gather information on a character is by reading the book yourself. Look for descriptions, actions, thoughts, and interactions involving Mike Taylor. Reading the book will give you a firsthand account of his physical appearance, actions, thoughts and words, as well as how other characters perceive him.

2. Check Character Descriptions: Look for any character descriptions or introductions provided by the author. Usually, at the beginning of a book or within the first few chapters, authors tend to provide details about major characters. Pay close attention to any descriptions of Mike Taylor's physical appearance or initial impressions given by the author.

3. Analyze Dialogue and Actions: Pay attention to any dialogue or actions attributed to Mike Taylor throughout the book. Observe how he interacts with other characters, what he says, and how he behaves. These can provide insights into his personality, thoughts, and motivations.

4. Pay Attention to Other Characters' Thoughts and Feelings: Characters' thoughts and feelings about Mike Taylor can shed light on how he is perceived by those around him. Look for instances where other characters mention or think about him, as their perspectives can reveal additional details or their interpretation of his character.

5. Seek Authorial Direct Narration: Sometimes, authors directly narrate details about a character's thoughts, feelings, or backstory. Look for instances where the author explicitly tells you something about Mike Taylor, as these passages will provide you with essential information.

Remember, it's crucial to engage with the book itself to get the most accurate and comprehensive information about the character of Mike Taylor. By examining the various narrative elements and paying attention to the surrounding context, you'll be able to gather a well-rounded understanding of the character.