what are inflected forms and run on derivitaves?

Inflected forms are all the forms that different words take, mostly reflecting their use in a sentence.


* regular English noun = boy, boys, boy's, boys'
* irregular English noun = child, children, child's, children's
* regular English verb = all the different forms in all the different tenses.

thank you..

so like for the word laugh, it could vary, like laughing, laughed, etc.?

Yes, all of these:


ahh ok thanks

Inflected forms and run-on derivatives are two linguistic concepts related to morphology. Let's start by understanding these terms separately:

1. Inflected forms: In linguistics, inflected forms refer to the various grammatical variations that words can take to indicate different features like tense, number, gender, case, and so on. These changes often involve modifying the word's ending or internal structure while retaining its core meaning. For example, the English verb "to walk" can take different inflected forms such as "walks" (present tense, third person singular), "walked" (past tense), "walking" (present participle), etc. These inflected forms help convey different grammatical aspects in the language.

2. Run-on derivatives: This term seems to be a misinterpretation or a combination of two separate linguistic concepts: "run-on words" and "derivatives."

- Run-on words: Run-on words are compound words or phrases where multiple words are strung together without spaces or punctuation between them. They are created by combining individual words to form a new word with a distinct meaning. For example, "bedroom" is a compound word formed by joining "bed" and "room."

- Derivatives: In linguistics, derivatives refer to words that are derived or formed from other words through various affixes (prefixes, suffixes, etc.). For example, the noun "friend" can be transformed into the adjective "friendly" by adding the suffix "-ly," or into the verb "befriend" by adding the prefix "be-." These derivatives carry additional meaning and grammatical information.

So, to summarize, inflected forms are the different grammatical variations that words can undergo, while run-on derivatives seem to be a combination of the concepts of compound words (run-on words) and derived words (derivatives), but this specific term is not commonly used in linguistic terminology.