How would i go about answereing this question?

The mean temperature in new york one summer was 86 degrees. if the temperature on july 22 of that summer was 82.1 degrees, what was the deviation from the mean that day?

86 - 82.1 = ?

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To answer this question, you need to calculate the deviation from the mean temperature on July 22. The deviation from the mean is the difference between the observed value (in this case, 82.1 degrees) and the mean temperature (86 degrees).

To calculate the deviation:

1. Subtract the mean temperature from the observed temperature:
82.1 - 86 = -3.9

2. The negative sign indicates that the observed temperature (82.1 degrees) is below the mean temperature (86 degrees).

Therefore, the deviation from the mean temperature on July 22 was -3.9 degrees.