TOP electronics is a small business with five employees. the mena (average) wekkly salary for the five employess is $360. if the weekly salaries of four of he employees are $340 $340 $345and $425, what is the slary of the fifth employee?

(x+340+340+345+425) = 5(360)

solve for x

you add the numbers next to x and multiply 5×360

so it will be :
x + 1450 = 1800

subtract both sides
x + 1450 - 1450 = 1800 - 1450

x = 350


thanks i already got it

To find the salary of the fifth employee, we need to calculate the total weekly salary for all five employees.

The mean (average) weekly salary for the five employees is given as $360.

To calculate the total weekly salary, we can multiply the mean salary by the number of employees. In this case, we have five employees, so the total weekly salary would be 5 * $360 = $1800.

Now, we know that the weekly salaries of four of the employees are $340, $340, $345, and $425. We can add up these salaries:

$340 + $340 + $345 + $425 = $1450.

To find the salary of the fifth employee, we subtract the sum of the salaries of the four employees from the total weekly salary:

$1800 - $1450 = $350.

Therefore, the salary of the fifth employee is $350.