comment dit-on "donuts"?

so "do you like donuts?" would be "tu aimes ....?"

The word for "doughnuts" is "les beignets" (masculine plural) and in Belgium they sold them on the street corner. They were incredible!

When you ask a question in French, there are 4 ways.
1. straight word order with a question mark at the end. Tu aimes les beignets?

2. straight word order with "n'est-ce pas" on the end. Tu aimes les beignets, n'est-ce pas?

3. using "Est-ce que" to begin the sentence. Est-ce que tu aimes les beignets?

4. this may be the most difficult for you, but it IS the most common = inversion of the subject and verb.
Aimes-tu les beignets?

Sra (aka Mme)


i understand all the other ways to ask a question, but why would you put "n'est-ce pas" at the end? or what does "n'est-ce pas" mean?

See the later post! Depending upon the sentence, the meaning can vary. For example: Il viendra, n'est-ce pas? He will come, won't he? or isn't that so? etc.

Sra (aka Mme)

Pour dire "donuts" en français, on dit "beignets". Donc, pour dire "Do you like donuts?" en français, on dirait "Tu aimes les beignets ?".