4.Which characteristic property must two solids differ if they are to be separated merely by being dissolved at room temperature and filtered?

What is melting point?

I don't know my teacher just gave the question

room temp

Do you see a connection between your question and melting point?? Think about it.


To answer this question, we need to understand the process of dissolution and filtration.

Dissolution refers to the process of a solid substance dissolving in a liquid solvent to form a solution. Filtration, on the other hand, is a method used to separate solid particles from a liquid or gas using a filter medium.

For two solids to be separated by being dissolved at room temperature and filtered, they must have different solubilities. Solubility is a characteristic property that describes the ability of a substance to dissolve in a particular solvent at a given temperature.

If one solid has high solubility in the solvent and the other has low solubility, then the solid with high solubility will dissolve in the solvent, forming a solution. This will allow it to pass through the filter, while the solid with low solubility will remain as a residue and get separated from the solution.

In summary, the characteristic property that two solids must differ in order to be separated by dissolution at room temperature and filtration is their solubilities in the solvent. One solid should have high solubility, while the other should have low solubility.