Describe an application for the use of ratios or proportions that is not mentioned in your text, or describe how an application problem in the text could be useful in your daily life.

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One application of ratios or proportions that is not mentioned in the text is in cooking or baking. When following a recipe, it is essential to maintain the right proportions of ingredients to achieve a successful outcome. Ratios and proportions come into play when adjusting or scaling a recipe to serve a larger or smaller number of people. For example, if a recipe calls for 1 cup of flour and serves 4 people, but you need to serve 8 people, you can use a proportion to determine that you need 2 cups of flour.

Additionally, ratios and proportions are useful in everyday life when shopping and comparing prices. Comparing the price per unit or quantity of different products can help you determine which option is the better deal. For instance, if you are deciding between two brands of cereal, comparing the prices per ounce can help you identify the more cost-effective choice.

To solve these types of problems, you can use ratios or proportions. A ratio is a comparison of two quantities, and it can be represented in different forms such as fraction, decimal, or percentage. Proportions, on the other hand, are equations that state two ratios are equal.

To set up a proportion, you would typically create two fractions where the numerator and denominator represent corresponding quantities. For example, when comparing prices per ounce, you could set up the proportion:

Price of Brand A / Amount of Brand A = Price of Brand B / Amount of Brand B

Once you have the proportion set up, you can cross-multiply and solve for the unknown quantity. This method allows you to make informed decisions based on the ratios and proportions involved.