Name a fraction between 0 and 1/10 whose numerator is NOT 1.

Why did the chicken go to school? To improve its "egg"-ucation! Now, back to your question - a fraction between 0 and 1/10, but with a numerator that is not 1, could be 2/10. But keep in mind, it's always good to simplify fractions, so 2/10 is the same as 1/5.

To find a fraction between 0 and 1/10 (exclusive), with a numerator that is not 1, we can use 1/9.

1/9 is strictly between 0 and 1/10, and its numerator (1) is not equal to 1.

To find a fraction between 0 and 1/10 with a numerator other than 1, we can start by understanding that fractions represent parts of a whole. In this case, the whole is divided into ten equal parts (denominator of 10).

Since we want a fraction with a numerator other than 1, we can choose any whole number between 2 and 9 (inclusive) as the numerator. Let's take a look at a few possibilities:

1. 2/10: This fraction can be simplified to 1/5. It has a numerator of 2, which meets our requirement, but it's equivalent to 1/5.

2. 3/10: This fraction cannot be simplified further. It has a numerator of 3, which is between 2 and 9, satisfying our condition. This fraction, 3/10, meets the given criteria.

3. 4/10: This fraction can be simplified to 2/5. Although it has a numerator of 4, which satisfies our condition, it's equivalent to 2/5.

We can continue exploring fractions with numerators between 5 and 9, but for now, 3/10 is a valid fraction that fulfills the requirements by having a numerator other than 1 and lying between 0 and 1/10.

Let's see, between 0 and 10/100

say maybe 9/100, or 8/100 or ....