Could someone please help me figure out this question. If I paid $76.08 for something that was 40% off, what was the regular price? I got $127.98 but when I check my answer I am off by 2 cents. What am I doing wrong?

76.08/x= 60/100

Cross multiply and simplify if needed.

I looked at the website but I still do not get this

76.08/x= 60/100

76.08 * 100 = 60x
7608 = 60x
?? = x

Another way to solve this problem:

.6x = 76.08
x = ??

To find the regular price of an item when given the discounted price and the discount percentage, you can use the following formula:

Regular price = Discounted price / (1 - Discount percentage)

In this case, the discounted price is $76.08 and the discount percentage is 40%, which can be written as 0.40 in decimal form.

Regular price = $76.08 / (1 - 0.40)
Regular price = $76.08 / 0.60
Regular price = $126.80

So, the regular price of the item is $126.80.

Now, let's address the discrepancy of 2 cents in your answer. It's possible that this difference arises due to rounding issues. Keep in mind that when you perform calculations with decimals and round the results, there can be slight variations in the final answer.

You initially calculated $127.98 as the regular price, which is very close to the correct answer of $126.80. The 2-cent difference can be attributed to rounding during the calculation process.

To avoid rounding errors, you can store the intermediate results of your calculations with more decimal places or use a calculator that displays the results with more precision.